As we recognise pressing issues of climate and social change our priority is to ensure that we implement responsible environmental and social practices on a corporate, fund and asset level in all countries we operate.
Through responsible actions and behaviours, we protect and enhance the environment, build trust among all our stakeholders and operate ethically to the highest standards of corporate governance.
The Pradera Group supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and our objective is to integrate many of them to promote awareness, learning and dialogue among all our stakeholders including employees, tenants, suppliers, business partners and communities we operate in.
By undertaking initiatives to promote environmental responsibility, ethical standards, equity and diversity, good labour practices, and sound health and safety measures Pradera has the ability to directly influence nine SDGs

All Pradera Group employees are encouraged to make an effective contribution to protecting the environment by participating in recycling programmes, using natural resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
The use of environmentally friendly transport and video conferencing as an alternative to business travel, where possible, are positively encouraged.
As a specialist fund and asset manager we strongly believe that sustainable portfolios have significant commercial benefits. Our local asset and property management teams are heavily focussed on sustainability and energy saving, water conservation and waste management programmes which are deeply embedded in our portfolio strategy.
The Pradera Group is a community orientated company, which has a positive impact on local society through the creation of direct and indirect employment, fundraising for charities and launching recycling awareness programmes in a number of countries. By doing so, we have not only contributed to the local economies but also demonstrated our longstanding commitment to sustainability.

Pradera has achieved a key milestone and secured ISO 14001 accreditation for its environmental management system.
ISO 14001 is an internationally agreed standard that provides a framework for organisations to structure and implement an environmental management system. The standard is rigorous and consists of a collection of documents and practices that govern how organisations integrate sustainability into their processes. It requires organisations to display they understand their environmental impacts, risks, stakeholders’ needs, and ensure regulatory compliance. ISO14001 standard is used globally to demonstrate continual improvement in environmental performance through clear procedures, defined goals, allocated responsibilities and a data system, which is used for tracking progress towards these goals.
The implementation of the environmental management system helps Pradera to complement its environmental credentials and is a significant step forward to identify, understand and mitigate negative environmental impacts arising from Pradera’s activities.
The Pradera Group is a leading retail property asset and fund manager in Europe and Asia. As a major investor and manager of retail assets we recognise the impact that our activities can have on the environment and on the communities where we operate.
Pradera is committed to running its business in a way that does not exploit individuals, the community or the environment and integrates ESG Policy across all funds under management. For joint ventures and separate assets under management, as far as reasonably practical, we seek to ensure that there is also an appropriate ESG Policy in place.
• We have clear environmental policies and standards which govern how we operate
• We comply with all obligations under local environmental legislation
• We seek to minimise any adverse environmental impact
• We are committed to improving energy efficiency by exploring options of clean energy sources and implementing environmentally friendly practices and products
• Encouraging use of resources in a circular way is Pradera’s fundamental priority and we are increasing recycling rates and striving for zero waste
• We support effective management of water supply and reduction in consumption
• We are passionate about sustainable mobility to decrease pollution and provide access to EV charging points at our retail centres
• We incorporate social policies and goals into every level of our management structure and procedures
• We promote and support community events across our assets under management
• We commit to regular and transparent reporting to our clients
• We adhere to the highest standards of professional integrity
• The Pradera Group is committed to being a fair employer, treating everyone equally and promoting a supportive culture of diversity, equality and inclusion
• We do not discriminate in terms of gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, political opinion, religion and belief or disability
• We look to develop and promote from within the Pradera Group where possible and promote fairness and diversity
• We believe in valuing difference and have three goals to help us to achieve this:
-build a community representative of the diversity
-recruiting and developing talent from diverse backgrounds
-presenting a cultural programme to engage a diverse audience
• The management and promotion of positive health and wellbeing by the Pradera Group, is regarded as important in the prevention of mental health problems. Pradera is committed to providing a positive working environment for its employees, which minimises risk to health and promotes positive mental wellbeing.
• We follow all health & safety guidelines that apply to our business
• We promote the health and wellbeing of employees through support services, information networks, and by means of health promotion campaigns
• We provide mental health support for employees via our Employee Assistance Programme
• The implementation of this Policy is governed by the Sustainability Committee. The Sustainability Committee meets monthly and includes representation from the Board and other senior staff. Ultimately, the delivery of the ESG Policy is the responsibility of all our employees.